This week’s article on how societal norms are punishing working mothers and their reputations relates directly to my research assignment we are creating for this class, which allowed me to use this article as part of my research (I’ve done my project on The Devil Wears Prada). The aspect pointed out in this article that I will be focusing on is how women are being held back in a male-dominated workforce, as well as not allowed the same opportunity in achieving the goal of “having it all”. This concept supports the other information and articles that I have found and will be relating to in my research assignment. While the article discusses how “…having a career and raising a family [is] incompatible goals and that women who try to have it all feel miserable…” (1) showcase the ideal in the media of a great woman is a woman that is family-oriented, not career-driven. A woman cannot seemingly have both a great family and career without being shown as “unhappy,” and less of a woman due to her “…failing to maintain healthy relationships with loved ones and their family.” (10). Miranda’s seen as an extraordinary boss in The Devil Wears Prada, but her career “…prevents her from fulfilling her role as a ‘good’ mother” (10) as she is depicted as having male-like leadership qualities which aren’t culturally accepted. Also, Miranda is showcased as the breadwinner in their family as her behavior as a powerful boss-lady even threatens her husband’s masculinity. The concepts including the choice that a woman makes to strive for a successful career is at the expense of her family, reinforcing the assumption that “bad” mothers are “devils” (not always wearing Prada). The takeaway I got from this article was all the helpful insight and information that have helped/ supported my research I’ve done for my research project and am hoping to incorporate some of the main ideas of gender roles and class mentioned in my final e-portfolio.