When discussing how people view pornography in regards to these articles, I will be focusing on both anti and pro feminist views of porn, and comparing them to how pornography can encourage sex-positive behavior. As for the anti-feminist debate on how horrible pornography is, porn can be said to portray ideas that objectify women, teach men that women are only objects, and allows women to be treated as victims, all of which are clearly not what we want. I believe there must be education on this this porn to allow for it to be used in a safe manner, as porn is so easily accessible for everyone that has access to the internet. Due to the fact that porn is easier than ever to get your hand one, I’m not surprised that people, including feminists have become detached from anti-sex views and the stigma of porn is slowly diminishing as time goes on. Its noted that porn and internet access regarding sexual material can educate men and women about sex, their anatomy, and create new opportunities for identity blending. With the data that reveals evidence of pornography consumers to have higher satisfaction with their bodies, being less ashamed of masturbation, as well as being more open to more nontraditional sexual relationships including having: homosexual encounters, or one night stands, or masturbating. My take away from these articles as well as my outside experiences lead me to believe that with the proper sexual education men and women can use pornography to expand their sexual experimentation and knowledge to understand our own bodies, as well as one anthers bodies in everyday life. In regards to my critical analysis project, I may try and incorporate some of the statistics and sex positive information from this week’s readings as a way to show the evolution and history of female sexuality.